Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Boobs, babies and bloody running...

So, one of my babies is at pre-school and one is wrapped up in the buggy. Dad's dog is ready and Roy has his legs out and both are raring to go. Me? I'm grumpy, cold and have one boob weighing significantly more than the other; but heh, its time to go for another run....!!

This morning I made it very clear to Roy that he so much as whisper that I need to "step it up", or "stop looking at the floor", I would not be responsible for my actions. I'm pleased to say, that he was true to his word and didn't utter any irritating army motivational speak; he just plodded quietly pushing a very sleepy Barnaby!!

Now, it's fair to say I'm not built for running, unlike my big sister who appears to be taking to this training like a duck to water. (But heh, who would win in an arm wrestle? Me I reckon, and that's the main thing!!) She seems to bounce around the routes with a mere glow to her cheeks whilst my cheeks....thighs.....boobs and many other parts of my body aren't glowing but wobbling, chaffing and leaking.....(nice imagery I fear!!)

Anyway, we jogged, occasionally chatted and I managed to separate myself from the dog with a lamppost - but I succeeded in a 3.92 mile run in a relatively respectable time (although this is never to be disclosed!) and am still standing!!

My motivation? Mum of course; and I bet she would be hysterically laughing at the sight of this overweight, wobbly, sleep deprived lunatic barely lifting one foot in front of the other....but heh, it's for charity mate!!!



  1. Personally I have always found Roy's motivational training-talk inspiring and helpful, especially during those moments when you just want to give up and go to the nearest coffee shop for a hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream. Maybe this could be the start of a new career for him as a personal trainer/life coach..........I know many women would pay good money to have a former soldier breathing heavily down their neck whilst uttering words such as 'bit faster now', 'nearly there'. Worked for me! ;)

  2. Emsie - you would sooo win in an arm wrestle!! Keep up the good work! Katy x

  3. Your mum would be so proud :) bec x
    This is the first time I have read a blog, love it . Keep up the good work.
