Monday, 25 June 2012

Midsummer Poole Party


The Poole Panthers (from L to R): Emma Dowinton, Wendy Knight,
Kim Hide, Lucy Hide, Gemma Richmond, Kate Bone
It's late June, just four days after the summer solstice, a time of year that conjurs up images of increasingly warm daytimes, balmy evenings, pleasant temperatures even in the shade.  But not this year.  The weather forecast was not for sunshine, but for showers.  The night before our fifth race of the series there was a downpour, leaving the route and most of the starting area wet and squelchy underfoot.  As we arrived at Poole Park, the six Team Tonia competitors surveyed the area nervously, as runners were warned about the slippery conditions and puddles we would meet along the way. 

Still, every cloud has a silver lining, and the soft terrain meant that Nick and Roy had no problem banging the supporting posts for the banner into the ground.  This came as great relief to them, as, in their father-in-law's absence, they were under a great deal of pressure to live up to his exacting technical standards!  The job was slightly complicated however by the instruction from the Event Management Team to ensure the posts were not banged into underground wires running very close to the surface.  The wires were only carrying power to the nearby hospital - no pressure then!

The six Team Tonia 'athletes' consisted of three runners and three walkers.  Always one to do things properly and follow Dad's very specific advice, I suggested a gentle warm up run to ensure that any pre-race stretching was not inflicted on cold muscles.  This was met by a crude guffaw from Emma, followed by a torrent of abuse and more laughter.  Getting the impression that perhaps she wasn't keen, Gemma and I set off on our own, to the nearest (almost submerged) park bench and back.  As we jogged, we discussed our times at the Basingstoke race just four days before, speculated on the difficulty of this course and the potential weather conditions.....when suddenly we realised everyone around us had stopped and were in the middle of a moment of silence.  Oh the shame!

We returned to basecamp, thinking how lucky we were that we had so far escaped the showers - when suddenly the heavens opened.  Babies were thrown into pushchairs and under rain covers, picnics were hastily packed away and pac-a-macs were speedily donned.  But no sooner had we 'waterproofed-up', the rain stopped and sun came back out, to shine for the rest of the afternoon.

A smaller number of runners at this event meant that Gemma, Emma and I were able to start relatively near the front.  Kim, mum Wendy and daughter Lucy started with the walkers, and our loyal support crew waited until we were all out of sight before heading to the ice cream van.  Wendy and Lucy only entered this race at the last minute, to accompany an injured Kim around the course.  Kim had planned to be running several of our races, but unfortunately incurred a serious injury of the phalange not long before her first race.  A broken toe must be common for sports teachers, due their physical daily routine and energetic lessons.  In actual fact, Kim's husband Kevin disclosed that this injury had been caused by Kim stubbing her toe on the sofa - not quite so glamourous!  Clearly one fracture in the family wasn't enough, as Kim's six year old daughter, Lucy, made it round the course with her arm in plaster.  Whilst Lucy was very keen to embark on her first Race for Life, Wendy admitted she had been somewhat hoodwinked into taking part, having been asked by Kim "Mum, what are you doing on Sunday?".  When she replied "nothing" (assuming she was to be asked a babysitting favour), Kim promptly entered her into the Team Tonia group! 

Wendy, Kim and Lucy cross the finish line

The runners finished in commendable times, each of us achieving another personal best.  Gemma had her headphones in and was clearly 'in the zone', the music driving her on until her battery died half-way round the course.  This didn't stop her completing the race in a time of which she should be extremely proud - and despite her protestations at the thought of running just a few months ago, it is quite possible she has caught the running bug, as she left Poole Park muttering something about entering the last of our races on the Isle of Wight........

Five races down, five to go.  At the half-way point of our running challenge, we have already smashed our fundraising target and hope to exceed it by a long way.  Thank you to those of you who have joined us for the first five - and we look forward to seeing the rest of our team in Salisbury, Southampton, Oxford, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight.

Kate xxx
25th June 2012

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