Monday, 16 July 2012

Tree huggers go wild in the undergrowth....!

15th JULY 2012

Our eighth race saw seven grown ups and four little ones travel to Oxford to be a part of an 8000 strong event,  all 'pretty in pink'. As organised as ever, we left Andover at 7.30am thinking we would be in plenty of time to get to the venue and erect the Team Tonia banner....However, as we arrived at the Oxford park and ride we realised that the other 7989 participants had also had the same idea and we joined an enormous pink queue to await our bus ride.

Kate and I were excited to be joined at this race by our Auntie Carole and cousins Madelon and Rebekah who had travelled from Sheffield, Bristol and the Wirral to be with us.

(L-R) Rebekah, Vikki, Emma, Madelon, Kate, Barnaby, Carole, Fran, Diane
Beau, Angus, Henry, Bria

As we arrived at the venue we set up our base camp and were stunned at the vast numbers of women (definitely the biggest race yet) then were mortified to see that all of the 7989 women appeared to be queueing for the conveniences! So with a quick check for tigers and snakes we jumped into the undergrowth in preparation for race number eight (Bear Grylls eat your heart out!).

Kate and I decided to walk the race as I had Beau and Barnaby (with no hubby) and Bria and Angus also wanted to take part. We waved off our only runner Vikki and all made our way to the very long queue to long in fact that people were finishing the race before others had even started!

It was a great day and as the sun shone down on us we quickly forgot how bad the weather had been the few days (and weeks!) before. Madelon and Rebekah did their best to keep up with their mum during the race and Vikki got another fantastic personal best!

Whilst Fran, Nick and Dad waited at the finish line for the Team Tonia 11 to return, Diane and I plodded around the course with my Dowie boys both awake/asleep/awake/asleep! The buggy board immediately became redundant (although we were asked by many who wanted to jump on it!) as Beau ran for a few hundred yards then was carried. His chicken pox had clearly beaten him and Diane was fantastic as she pushed the buggy whilst I carried Beau on my shoulders!!

The most amusing part of the day came when Kate decided that a team photograph was in order.....up a tree! After an initial failed attempt to climb the tree by Rebekah, Madelon set about to show up her sister by 'shimmying' up the branch after Vikki, followed by a determined Rebekah and finally Kate.

It was, yet again, a fab day, with a family reunion to make it extra special.......only two more to go!

Emma xxx

Monday, 9 July 2012

"We want to run with Common people like you...."

8th JULY 2012

While Andy Murray paced nervously around the grounds of Wimbledon, twelve equally well-primed and energetic athletes prepared themselves mentally and physically for the seventh race of the Team Tonia series.  Just as Murray was receiving last minute advice on technique and positive mentoring from his coach and support team, so were the Team Tonia athletes as our very own fitness guru Emma Roberts led us in our first, and only, proper warm up!

Our team consisted of nine runners and four walkers (including one canine); unfortunately a prolongued injury and a double-booked diary meant that two of our team were unable to make this race. 
The Southampton Sizzlers: (from L to R) Mandy Cowie, Emma Roberts, Georgia Cook, Amanda Kane-Smith, Vikki Bealing, Katy Ross, Kate Bone, Emma Dowinton, (front) Ellie, Rose and Superdog Max
Missing from picture: Gemma Richmond (dealing with poorly son), Jo White (on a warm-up jog)

Our venue was a very muddy Southampton Common, and we set up our base camp not far from the stage and on the driest patch of grass we could find.  The heavy rain of the previous day (and previous month) meant that conditions were bog-like; trainers were beginning to let in water before we had even begun.  The support crew came prepared with pac-a-macs and wellies, but when the hot July sun did get to shine, the little Team Tonia-ites shed the waterproof gear and spent the rest of the day 'Glastonbury style' in bare feet.  The Team decided to embrace the joys of nature and adopted a 'muddy mien' in the form of war paint.  Whether the idea was to intimidate our fellow runners or benefit from a free facemask I am not sure, but it certainly gave us a very small taste of the forthcoming Hell Runner race in November (google 'Hell Runner Down South' if you are intrigued, or if you fancy joining us?!!).  By the time Gemma joined us, she had no choice but to don the facial decoration, only to hear from a passer-by that the puddle (from which Emma had extracted the mud) was where her dog had just 'been'.

The event was larger than some we had undertaken, and as such it was unclear exactly which was the start and which was the finish line.  Any confusion would soon be clarified when Katy bravely jogged off to seek assistance.  Unfortunately, Katy came across her two biggest celebrity heroes, 'JK & Joel', who were manning the nearby Heart Radio gazebo.  Totally starstruck and in awe of the former Radio One duo, Katy forgot the directions given to her by the handsome two and came back muttering something about CCBC's 'Hider in the House'.  As a result, when it was time to stride proudly towards the start line, we were actually making our way to the finish.  A quick change of direction and we were amongst the crowds, itching to get to the front of the runners wave.  We had waved goodbye to Amanda, Rose, Ellie and Max who went to join the walkers, and soon we were proceeding to the start line to await the countdown.  This was a race with a phased start, just like the Hyde Park race, but this time, with determination and lots of 'elbows', we managed to get fairly near the front of the group.  Despite the clearly marked starting positions for runners, joggers and walkers, we found ourselves, once the race had begun, stuck behind walkers only a few feet from the front of the group.  The 'elite' athletes in the team had to grit their teeth and recite their mantra "It's only a fun-run", but it was mildy irritating all the same!

There was no doubt that this route was a more accurate 5km distance.  Not only did we all 'feel' that it was 5km (and boy, that long incline up the Avenue was hard work) but two of our Team were equipped with the very latest in hi-tech gadgetry to calculate their every tired footstep.  Vikki was able to track her pace, distance and overall time via some kind of 'chip' attached to her shoelace - and not the kind that I find stuck to my shoe after Henry has thrown his dinner from his high chair.  And Mandy had an i-phone app that recorded the same; but also encouraged her family and friends on facebook to send her encouraging cheers and whoops as she made her way round the course.  The rest of us received our cheers and whoops from the friends and family that again came along for support - and once again we are extremely grateful.

The Team Tonia Toddlers

25th dog home: Max Kane-Smith

Each Team member finished the course in a respectable time, and even Max the Superdog was 'placed', coming a triumphant 25th for the canine finishers.  The mother-daughter combo of Emma and Georgia raced round together, while Katy once again led Team Tonia home in style.

Katy's dodgy arches held out and Jo's back seemed to be holding too, Gemma's nausea subsided and my knee(s) just about kept going.  Unfortunately Emma's back gave in half way round the course, seeing her struggle from the 3km mark.  Determined not to stop however, she kept running and made it across the finish line, wondering whether her chiropractor would be working on a Sunday.

There was no time for a picnic after this race due to the Wimbledon Mens' Final.  The children had to make do with a quick ice-cream for lunch which they ate, back in their waterproof clothing, as the heavens opened. 

It was another great day, and the mud didn't put us off.  The children had a brilliant time; I don't think I have ever seen a child actually try to swim across a puddle before......yes that's right, Beau was lying on his front in the puddle, arms and legs going a-pace, he even tried the back-stroke before he was hooked out by his father!  Priceless!

"Mud, mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me follow, down to the hollow
And there let me wallow in glorious mud"

Kate xxxx
9th July 2012

Friday, 6 July 2012

Salisbury Journal - 6th July 2012

Sophie Warner (far left) - her mother obviously couldn't keep up
so she found some other nice ladies to run with!

Georgia, Briallen & Ruby crossing the finish line

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

"...44 pink balloons, floating in the summer sky...."


Sunday 1st July saw the biggest turn out yet of Team Tonia 'athletes' - 44 pink ladies arrived at Hudsons Field in Salisbury to take part in the sixth Race for Life event in our series of ten.  Just two days before, Emma found herself lying on the chiropractors bed again, but this time due to a Toddler Group related injury!  Emma was not the only injured member of the Team; a broken toe, plantar facilitis (dodgy arch), recent hospital admission and another bad back accompanied us around the course!

Beau with the Team Tonia wagon (or possibly ambulance?)
Once again the team were aided by their loyal support crew; husbands, children and parents all turned up to help erect the banner, inflate balloons, tie ribbons and look after the little ones.  A certain godson of mine made us all very proud when he stepped up to volunteer after a request over the tannoy.  He quickly donned an official Cancer Research UK volunteers' t-shirt and was later seen handing out medals and water at the finish line. 

The Salisbury Massive

The group, ranging in age from 3 to 63 (and maybe even older!), were all given a balloon on their arrival and a pink tag on which to write their dedications. 
Becky with her balloon
Once the team had scribed the names of loved ones onto the tags, we were all ushered towards the stage for another Team Tonia 'moment of  fame'.  The Cancer Research UK events management team had asked us to step up on to the stage and say a few words about our challenge and the large group that formed Team Tonia.  Thankfully after Emma's recent radio interview, a live 'Q & A' session did not phase her at all; I, however, stood nervously at her side, waving my balloon at the crowd and looking at the floor!  Never in a million years did  Emma and I think we would ever stand up in front of so many people wearing lycra; I guess fame does strange things to people.    Once the paparazzi had had their fill (look out for a group photo in the gazette!) we made our way back to the Team Tonia base camp and together released the balloons. 

Anita lapping the walkers!
As the Team consisted of nine children, several of us decided to walk this race, which followed a route around the field, past the Five Rivers Leisure Centre and along the river.  The children did so so well, never complaining and actually asking to run whenever a gap appeared in the crowd ahead.  Bria and Ruby marched on in their matching tutus, and Bec found she ended up running nearly the whole course just to keep up with the enthusiastic youngsters (not bad for someone who recently had a c-section!). 

Yummy Mummies
Anita joined the walkers at the start, then left us for dust, only to reappear as she walked past us in the opposite direction on the way to the finish line, while we were only just re-entering the field - how did she get so far ahead?!!  The 'senior' group enjoyed their experience around the course - despite a minor 'cycle-path-rage' incident with a fellow 'senior' cyclist asking "don't you realise this is a cycle path?"

One of our team was carrying some extra weight for this race (no, not Emma's milk bar).  Seven month pregnant Sam made it easily round the course looking as stunning as ever, even after her hormonal outburst during our speech!

Youngest athlete Megan
Jo White and the seven......White ladies took part in this event, spanning three generations.  Dopey, Bashful, Sleepy........oh sorry, I mean Katy, Sarah and Tamsin were accompanied by their daughters and nieces and all finished in very respectable times.  At the sight of their mothers striding towards the finish line, youngsters Megan and Angus broke free onto the course, just in time to each receive a medal of their own (clearly their fathers were not paying enough attention!)

Keswick was joined by fellow canine Woody, who accompanied Sarah around the course.  The fast pace was clearly too much for the spaniel however, who bolted towards Sarah's husband Martyn at the first opportunity, leaving Sarah to complete the race on her own.  Our elite runner, Katy, ran/walked with her daughter on this occasion, handing the elite crown over to our very own professional dancer, Louise Paterson.  Louise (minus tutu) surprised herself by gracefully pirouetting around the course in an amazing time of 25 minutes. 

The presence of so many people, several of whom were mum's very close friends, made the day extremely special for us both. Mum was very fond of Salisbury and for this reason it was where her ashes were scattered.

The threat of rain had been looming all day, but the sun shone right up until the picnics had been eaten, before the rain began to fall.  The strong wind, which dishevelled hair and tied knots in the balloon ribbons, helped our balloons (eventually!) soar to the sky, carrying the dedications to loved ones celebrated and remembered.  Once again Emma and I were honoured to be standing alongside our family and friends, and as we watched the balloons disappear into the distance, we remembered mum; her infectious smile, her endless love and the warmth she gave to everyone who knew her.

When a person you love passes away
Look to the sky on a clear day.
The star that to you, appears to be bright,
Will be your loved one,
Looking upon you during the night.
The lights of heaven are what shows through
As your loved one watches all that you do.
When you feel lonely for the one that you love,
Look to the Heavens in the sky above.
Kate xxx
