Monday, 16 July 2012

Tree huggers go wild in the undergrowth....!

15th JULY 2012

Our eighth race saw seven grown ups and four little ones travel to Oxford to be a part of an 8000 strong event,  all 'pretty in pink'. As organised as ever, we left Andover at 7.30am thinking we would be in plenty of time to get to the venue and erect the Team Tonia banner....However, as we arrived at the Oxford park and ride we realised that the other 7989 participants had also had the same idea and we joined an enormous pink queue to await our bus ride.

Kate and I were excited to be joined at this race by our Auntie Carole and cousins Madelon and Rebekah who had travelled from Sheffield, Bristol and the Wirral to be with us.

(L-R) Rebekah, Vikki, Emma, Madelon, Kate, Barnaby, Carole, Fran, Diane
Beau, Angus, Henry, Bria

As we arrived at the venue we set up our base camp and were stunned at the vast numbers of women (definitely the biggest race yet) then were mortified to see that all of the 7989 women appeared to be queueing for the conveniences! So with a quick check for tigers and snakes we jumped into the undergrowth in preparation for race number eight (Bear Grylls eat your heart out!).

Kate and I decided to walk the race as I had Beau and Barnaby (with no hubby) and Bria and Angus also wanted to take part. We waved off our only runner Vikki and all made our way to the very long queue to long in fact that people were finishing the race before others had even started!

It was a great day and as the sun shone down on us we quickly forgot how bad the weather had been the few days (and weeks!) before. Madelon and Rebekah did their best to keep up with their mum during the race and Vikki got another fantastic personal best!

Whilst Fran, Nick and Dad waited at the finish line for the Team Tonia 11 to return, Diane and I plodded around the course with my Dowie boys both awake/asleep/awake/asleep! The buggy board immediately became redundant (although we were asked by many who wanted to jump on it!) as Beau ran for a few hundred yards then was carried. His chicken pox had clearly beaten him and Diane was fantastic as she pushed the buggy whilst I carried Beau on my shoulders!!

The most amusing part of the day came when Kate decided that a team photograph was in order.....up a tree! After an initial failed attempt to climb the tree by Rebekah, Madelon set about to show up her sister by 'shimmying' up the branch after Vikki, followed by a determined Rebekah and finally Kate.

It was, yet again, a fab day, with a family reunion to make it extra special.......only two more to go!

Emma xxx

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